�THE MEDICAL HUMANITIES� For Lack of a Better Term
Attempting a Definition
THE METABOLIC SYNDROME; A New Worldwide Definition
INFUENZA A H5N1: Will It Become The Next Pandemic?
�SNUS� (SNUFF):� A Good
Method Of Nicotine Replacement To Reduce Cigarette
SCABIES:� Eight Clinical
JAMA, NEJM, BMJ, LANCET��������������������������� ����������������������� PUBLISHED BY PRACTICAL
MEDICINE��������� ������������������������������� EDITED BY RICHARD T. JAMES JR.�� MD�����������
ANNALS INTERNAL MEDICINE����������� �������� �������������������������� �
����� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �� ����������������������� DAVIDSON
NC 28036�
[email protected]������������������������� ��������������������
This document is divided into two parts:
1)� The Highlights
section contains brief comments patterned after the �abstract� placed on
the first page of many studies reported in journals. �Highlights condenses the content of studies, and allows a
quick review of pertinent points of each article.
The Editorial Comments are the editor�s assessments of the clinical practicality
of articles based on his long-term review of the current literature and his
20-year publication of Practical Pointers.
2)� The main Abstracts
section is designed as a reference. It presents structured summaries of the
content of articles in much more detail.
An Index containing all the Highlights is published twice a year. In
an evening or two, the reader can refresh memory of the entire content of practical
points abstracted from 6 major journals over the 6-month period.
I hope you will find Practical Pointers interesting and
helpful. The complete content of all issues for the past 5 years can be
accessed at
Richard T. James Jr,
Lack Of A Better Term
So, what are �The medical humanities�
The commentator (an established poet
and essayist) finds it very difficult to define.
We know intuitively that the way
medicine is now taught and practiced is simply wrong�that the humane is being
supplanted by unfeeling science and uncaring economics. The medical literature
describes the practice of medicine in the modern era as increasingly dominated
by economic constraints and technological hubris.
Medicine, in losing sight of how the
arts and humanities inform and elevate the work of healing, is following the
footsteps of larger societal trends.
�Distancing� is the process whereby
physicians remove themselves from the particulars of patients� experiences of
illness so that they may render accurate diagnosis and treatment. It imperils
the work of doctoring, and has converted it from a sacred vocation, borne of a
desire and duty to alleviate suffering, into a mere financially rewarded,
technically challenging line of work.
The view of any kind of work as
simply a means to the all-important paycheck is widespread nowadays.� �Distancing� pervades most human
Perhaps it is expedient to blame the
shortcomings of modern biomedicine on the stereotypically bespectacled,
heartless philistine hiding behind his bleeping machines in his white coat,
rather than to look more critically at the economic pressures that have so
harshly changed medical practice. Can we really expect beleaguered clinicians
and medical educators to teach ethical thinking or to nurture compassion in
trainees who come to their prospective profession lacking in these fundamental
personal virtues that more appropriately ought to have been instilled in them
by their parents, or by immersion in what should be a healthier, more
universally humane society?
Only with omnipresent and immediately
accessible humanities resources for ourselves and our trainees can we nourish
in our profession �the art of medicine� from which we have become so
I do not agree that medical care is being� dehumanized�. I do not agree
that unfeeling science and uncaring economics are supplanting the �humane� in
In my view, the editorialist�s criticism is much too harsh. I do not
believe that physicians are less �humane� (ie, less caring; less empathetic)
than they were in the 18th, 19th and 20th
centuries. Many health care practitioners simply do not have the opportunity to
establish an empathetic relation with patients. It takes time to develop a �connection�.
They are much more involved in the difficult task of providing the best of
evidence-based medicine and technology. (Little of evidence-based medicine and
present day technology existed before the mid-1900s.) They nevertheless retain
a desire and duty to alleviate suffering, and they do indeed alleviate
suffering.� They are �humane� in a new and
different way.
Conscientiously applying the best of modern therapy and diagnosis to each
patient is an expression of caring ( �humaneness�).�� Expert use of a blinking machine, which will
often benefit�
patients� health and increase longevity, is an important part of
caring. I doubt many patients (including the editorialist) would be willing to
exchange the miracles of modern medicine, surgery, imaging, and anesthesia in
favor of a more consistent and personal �caring� connection with every
health-care provider.
Caring and technology are not mutually exclusive. Primary care clinicians
are blessed with the opportunity to combine the two. They care for patients and
families over time. This provides opportunity to connect and give support to
the cares and concerns of their patients; to elicit , understand,
and respond to each patient�s �story� in addition to attending the presenting
Has the practice of medicine been �converted into a mere financially
rewarding line of work�? Not by a long shot. I do not believe young aspiring
physicians enter the profession for the purpose of making money.
Nowadays, in contrast to the past, maintaining an office staff is costly.
Technology is expensive. I doubt the income of the average physician,
especially primary care clinicians, exceeds that of other professions. Few
become �rich� as a result of their medical practice. But, it is important to
earn enough to provide the family with a comfortable, safe home, a good
education, and to save for retirement. This is also a form of �caring�.
����� Many
physicians give generously of their income to charitable organizations and
church. Many express humaneness by pro-bono work, caring for the less fortunate
in one of �the
many free clinics scattered throughout the country.
The healing professions do not lack humaneness. The way it is expressed
has changed.
HUMANITIES�: Attempting A Definition
�A Humanity� is any product of human creativity
and any human relationship which promotes understanding, kindness, good will,
compassion, care, and caring.
��The Humanities� is the totality of all �A
�A Medical Humanity� (�The Medical
Humanities�) does not differ from any other. However, medical professionals
(nurses, therapists, dieticians, and physicians) may have more opportunity to express �A Humanity� because they care for others when the
others are most vulnerable.
�Doing It In
The Doctor�s Waiting Room May Be Better Than Doing It At Home.�
This issue of BMJ reports a
randomized trial on self
monitoring BP in the physician�s office
The self measured and the professionally measured BPs
were comparable. This suggests that hypertension guidelines are applicable to
self monitoring.
Patients were welcomed into the BP
measuring room of the practice and encouraged to measure their own BP at least
once a month using an electronic BP machine. They received instructions on how
to use the machine on their first visit. Patients were given an instruction
card showing their BP target (140/85). Monthly BP readings were recorded on the
card. Patients were asked to see the practitioner or nurse if BP exceeded
target on successive months, or if it was very high. More than 90% of patients
were seen by the medical staff during the year.
This is a switch from the usual studies on self monitoring BP at home.
I wonder if some primary care clinicians would be tempted to place a
validated electronic device in an alcove of the waiting room allowing any
patients who are waiting to measure their BP. I believe this would be more
meaningful and accurate than self measuring in a drug store.
The ultimate importance of the MS is
that it identifies individuals at high risk for type 2
diabetes (DM2) and
cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The International Diabetes Federation
(2004) felt there was a strong need for one practical definition that would be
useful in any country for the identification of high risk of DM2 and CVD:
1) Central (abdominal) obesity is a
prerequisite to the diagnosis of the MS.
circumference 94 cm or more for white men of European origin; 80 cm or more for
women. (The cut
points for other ethnic groups have been changed (See text).� In the
Central obesity is
related to each of the other components of the MS. If it is not present, the MS
is not diagnosed.
Plus any two of the following four
2) Triglycerides 150 mg/dL and above.
3) HDL-cholesterol under 40 mg/dL in
man and under 50 mg in women.
Both 2) and 3) are commonly observed
in patients with DM2 and insulin resistance.
Both are risk factors for CVD.
4) BP 130 systolic and above;
diastolic 85 and above, or previously treated hypertension.
5) Fasting blood glucose 100 and above, or previously diagnosed diabetes.
If above 100, a glucose tolerance
test is strongly recommended.
Note that persons with 2), 3), 4) and 5) who do not have abdominal
obesity are not defined as having the MS.�
Nevertheless, they are at increased risk. Not all 5 factors carry the
same weight. But, the more factors present, the higher the risk. Of course, the
other factors should be determined and treated.
I would wager that most men over age 50 in the
It would be reasonable to immediately recommend life-style changes for
them. Indeed, the need for lifestyle changes in the
I garnered some details from the web site of the IDF.�_syndrome_def.pdf
The Big Question�Will It Mutate To
Facilitate Human-To-Human Transmission?
9-5 ��INFLUENZA� A (�Bird
Flu�; H5N1): Will It Become The Next
Pandemic Influenza? Are We Ready?
Experts have predicted a next
pandemic flu for many years. They believe that the question is not whether
another pandemic will occur, but when. They fear an event like the Spanish flu
of 1918-19 (H1N1) which rapidly caused death of millions and reduced the
average life expectancy in the
Avian influenza (influenza A H5N1)
appears to have a similar potential.
Most flu viruses occur in birds.
Aquatic waterfowl are their natural reservoir. Only a few types of the virus
have circulated widely in humans. �Bird flu� refers to both influenza in birds
and to instances when the virus jumps the species barrier to cause human
To cause a global pandemic the virus
needs three properties:� 1) ability to
infect people, 2) substantially new antigenic properties to which humans are
not immune, and 3) efficient person-to-person
transmission.� H5N1 has the first 2
properties, but there is only minimal evidence of 3).
Amantadine and rimantadine are not active
against H5N1 even though it is a type A virus.
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu; given orally)
and zanamivir (Relenza; given by
inhalation) are active in vitro and in animal models. Clinical utility for
treatment and prevention of H5N1 has not been rigorously studied. The supply is
inadequate for a global pandemic. Antiviral resistance does occur.
What about drug treatment and
prophylaxis?� Early administration of
antiviral agents appears to be beneficial. Patients with suspected H5N1 should
promptly receive a neuraminidase inhibitor pending diagnosis by laboratory
testing. The optimal dose and duration of treatment are uncertain. Currently
approved regimens likely represent the minimum required. High levels of
resistance to Tamiflu have been
detected in several patients with H5N1. Amantadine and rimantadine are not
effective for H5N1. For prophylaxis, Tamiflu
is warranted for persons who have had a possible exposure to H5N1.
Current supplies of Tamiflu and Relenza are grossly insufficient for
prophylaxis and treatment of H5N1. Those of us who are knowledgeable about H5N1
and affluent enough to afford Tamiflu may be tempted to purchase and hoard a
supply for possible use. There are serious objections to this. The limited
supply should be reserved for treatment of individuals who are infected with
the flu virus. �Ring� prophylaxis may be a reasonable control measure.� This involves quarantine and prophylactic
drug therapy of individuals (eg, family; health care workers) in close contact
with a patient with proven influenza. This may reduce likelihood of spread in
the community.
The North Carolina Department of Health has issued a statement strongly
discouraging personal stockpiling of Tamiflu. It points out: 1) There has been
no sustained human-to-human transmission in Asia;� 2) There is no H5N1 in the
�Cutting Down� Reduces Risk Of Lung Cancer, But Not Risk Of Myocardial Infarction And
9-6� �EFFECT
This study asks - Would �cutting
down� reduce risk of LC?
Divided into 6 groups according to
smoking habits:
1) Continued heavy smokers (> 15
cigarettes daily; mean = 20).
2) Reducers reduced smoking from >
15 per day by a minimum of 50% without quitting.
3) Continued light smokers (1-14 per
4) Quitters (stopped between 1st
and 2nd examinations).
5) Stable ex-smokers.
6) Never smokers.
Groups: ����������������������������������������� 1)�������� 2) ������� 3)�� ����������� 4)� ������ 5)�������� 6)
Number����������������������������� ����� 7351���� 832������ 3199���� 1355���� 2881���� 4066
Pack years at baseline�������������� 31�������� 27�������� 14�������� 19�������� 14
Number of LCs ����������������������� 576������ 52�������� 104������ 52�������� 52�������� 28
% with� LC������������������������������ 7.8������� 6.3������� 3.3������� 3.6������� 1,8������� 0.7
Adjusted hazard ratio for LC:���� 1.00����� 0.73����� 0.44����� 0.50����� 0.17����� 0.09
Absolute difference,
continued heavy smokers vs those who reduced consumption by 50% = 7.8% - 6.3% =
1.5%. Sixty two smokers would have to cut consumption by 50% to prevent one LC.
Twenty four would have to quit completely to prevent
one LC.
The authors previously investigated
the all-cause mortality, fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction, and
hospitalization for COPD in smokers. They found no
reduction in risk associated with smoking reduction. �Cutting down� does not
reduce these risks.� LC is more likely to
demonstrate a dose-response to cutting down.
See the following report on snuff. RTJ
Would You Advise Snuff For Nicotine
The British American Tobacco (BAT) company markets �snus� in
BAT is trying to�.�extend the appeal
of snus to more adults smokers who have not heard of snus to try it.� BAT
claims that the move is part of their �continuing efforts in harm
reduction�.� They claimed that the
biggest group of quitters in
Is it true that snus is a
harm-reduction product? It certainly is much less harmful than cigarettes. It
has not been associated with any increase in lung cancer. But, it is classified
as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. A recent
study reported an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Snus is not harmless.
Is it effective as an aid to quitting
cigarettes? Evidence is inadequate, but suggests that it may be effective for
some smokers. Many nicotine users favor it over tobacco smoke. The fact that
more Swedes choose snus rather than therapeutic nicotine replacement for
routine use suggests that it offers a better �fix�.
Is it addictive? This is
controversial. Nicotine replacement therapy is relatively non-addictive, but
there is a view that, if such therapy is to replace cigarettes it needs to be more
competitive, and this means more addictive.
It is possible (however reluctantly)
to agree that snus is a harm-reduction product, but only when compared with
In view of the ban on cigarettes in many restaurants and bars, tobacco
companies are encouraging smokers to try snuff as an
alternative where smoking is forbidden. Is this ethical?
I abstracted this article to ask myself�if my patient stated he had
absolutely no intention of quitting, or was unable to quit after many tries,
would I suggest his switching to snuff?�
(Snuff in the
We accept risk with every drug we prescribe. With preventive therapy,
(eg, aspirin, statin drugs; antihypertension drugs) patients seem quite willing
to accept the risks. I abstracted this article to ask�should we consider snuff
a preventive drug (ie, one that reduces risk)?��
Would the patient sue if he developed oral cancer after being informed of
the risk and accepting it?
I would merely point this article out to the patient and let him decide
on his own. I would not prescribe snuff. Indeed, I would place in the record
that I advise cessation of all tobacco products.
9-8 ��SCABIES: Diagnosis
And Treatment
Eight clinical
Cluster headache (CH) is one of the most severe pain syndromes. It is underdiagnosed
and suboptimally managed in primary care. It has substantial effects on
functioning, even when appropriate treatments are used.
Headaches often start about 1 to 2
hours after falling asleep, or in the early morning. Attacks can strike up to 8
times a day, are relatively short-lived (18 to 180 minutes) ,
and are characterized by very severe unilateral head pain localized in or
around the eye. Attacks may occur daily for some weeks followed by a period of
complete remission. (CH is cyclic.)
Patients with CH, unlike those with
migraine, are restless and prefer to pace about or sit and rock back and forth.
Some will isolate themselves or leave the house to get into cold air. Some
become aggressive.
Unilateral autonomic symptoms
ipsilateral to the pain occur only during attacks:� ptosis and pupil constriction (a partial
Horner�s syndrome); as well as lacrimation, conjunctival injection, rhinorrhea,
and nasal congestion. This indicates parasympathetic hyperactivity, and
sympathetic impairment. Sweating and blood flow to the skin increase on the
painful side.
The author presents a long list of
suggested drugs for treatment and prevention. (The rather large number of
choices suggests that none is �best� and individual trials are necessary. RTJ)
Primary care clinicians, if they practice long enough, will encounter a
patient with CH. Recognition and treatment will provide most welcome relief,
and may even be life-saving. (CH has been termed the �Suicide Headache� because
the severe unremitting pain may drive some patients to take their own life.)
Therapy may be tried in primary care. Complicated cases require referral
to a headache clinic.
Primary Prevention Is Much More
Since the 1980s, coronary heart
disease (CHD) mortality rates have
halved. Studies consistently suggest that 50% to 75% of the decrease in cardiac
deaths can be attributed to population-wide improvements in the major risk
factors, particularly smoking, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Modern
cardiological treatments for CHD generally explain the remaining 25% to 50% of
the fall in mortality.
Fall in mortality from CHD
attributable to changes in risk factors:
Deaths prevented or postponed yearly
(2000 vs 1981)
% changes*����� ����� Primary
prevention� Secondary prevention��������� Total
Smoking ���������������� - 35%�������������������� 24
000������������������������� 5000���������������������������� 29 000
Cholesterol������������� - 4.2���������������������� 4700���� ����������������������� 3100���������������������������� 7900
Blood pressure������� -7.7����������������������� 7200���������������������������� 500������������������������������ 7700
All 3��������������������������������������� ����������� 36 000������������������������� 8700���������������������������� 45
(* % changes in the risk factor level
in the population)
This article places our efforts to reduce risks (by enthusiastic
prescription and by example) in concrete terms. This is a major public health
achievement. Congratulations to all involved
If weight reduction and physical activity were also considered, benefits
would be larger.
We never know, however, which individuals in our practices and in the
general population are benefited.
This should not deter us.
I abstracted this article mainly to point out how important improvements
in public health are. Certainly, primary care clinicians contributed a great
This study asked�Would a regimen
based on a calcium channel blocker� (CCB) + an angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitor (ACE) lead to more
favorable outcomes than a regimen based on a beta-blocker (BB) + a Thiazide
The study was stopped prematurely
after a median of 5.5 years (over 106 000 patient-years) because fewer patients
in the CCB-ACE group had the primary endpoint.�
(Note: this did not reach
statistical significance.)
Outcomes over 5.5 years ��������������� ACE + CCB���� BB + Thiazide�������� NNT*
(n = 9639)�������� (n = 9618)
Primary endpoint ��������������������� 429������������������ 474������������������������ 208**
Stroke (fatal & non-fatal)���������� 327������������������ 422������������������������ 65
Total cardiovascular
events & procedures���������� 1362���������������� 1602���������������������� 25
All-cause mortality������������������� 738������������������ 820������������������������ 116
Incidence of diabetes���������������� 567������������������ 799������������������������ 24***
(* NNT for 5.5 years to benefit one
patient.�� ** Not statistically significant. The
authors attributed this to under powering of the study.� *** NNT to harm one patient (develop
diabetes) (My calculations. RTJ)�
�The findings of ASCOT-BPLA show that
in hypertensive patients at moderate
risk of developing cardiovascular events, an antihypertensive drug
regimen starting with amlodipine adding perindopril, as required, is better
than one starting with atenolol adding a thiazide, as required, in terms of
reducing the incidence of all types of cardiovascular events and all-cause
mortality, and in terms of risk of subsequent new-onset diabetes.�
�Pending further information, we
believe the combination of a beta-blocker and a diuretic should not be
recommended in preference to the comparator regimen used in ASCOT-BPLA for
routine use, but only for specific circumstances.�
This is an extraordinary (and expensive) study. I congratulate the
investigators on their persistence.� I
feel they (and Pfizer) are disappointed with the outcome.
Benefits of antihypertension drug therapy would be much less when used
for primary prevention.
But, there is an extraordinary degree of �spin� in this detailed 12-page
article. As noted, the absolute differences between groups is
small. And the NNT to benefit one patient over 5.5 years is large (25 to 208).
I believe these differences are of little clinical significance.
The number needed to treat unnecessarily�� for 5.5 years, with the amlodipine regimen
as compared with the atenolol regimen, to achieve
benefit for one patient is high, varying from 24 to 207.
I calculated the MNT (money needed to treat) for 5.5 years to benefit one
patient. According to my pharmacy:
Cost per day $ Cost for 5.5 years $���� ����� ����� Total $
Atenolol 50 mg������������������������������ 0.15���������������� 240
Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg
(I could not access cost of
bendroflumethiazide)�������������������� 0.09���������������� 180����������������������������������� 481
Amlodipine (Norvasc
2.5 mg)�������� 1.45���������������� 2910
Perindopril (Aceon
2 mg)������������� 1.15���������������� 2308��������������������������� 5,218
Money needed to treat (MNT) with CCB + ACE vs BB + thiazide (at minimal
doses) to prevent one adverse outcome� over 5.5 years:
To treat 208 patients for 5.5 years to prevent one MI or one
cardiovascular death::
CCB + ACE = 5218 X 208 = $1,085,344
BB + thiazide = 481 X 208 = $100,048
Difference = �������������������� $
To treat 25 patients for 5.5 years to prevent total cardiovascular events
and procedures =
$130,450 and $ 12,025
Difference = �������������������� $118,425
(My calculations RTJ)
Application of lifestyle interventions would be much more effective at no
Study supported mainly by Pfizer.�
See the following abstract for additional analysis.
(This article, by the same investigators,
expands on the previous trial)
Differences between the groups
included BP, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, potassium, fasting glucose, heart
rate, and body mass index. All of these variables were significantly associated
with rates of coronary events and stroke during the trial. (CCB-ACE, in
addition to a slightly greater reduction in BP, was associated with reductions
in other risk factors.)� The
investigators offer no explanation except . . .�That it remains possible that
differential effects of the two treatment regimens on other variables also
contributed to the different rates noted�.
These factors influenced outcomes
favoring the CCB-ACE group. After adjusting for these factors the investigators
determined that they accounted for about half the reported difference in
coronary events and about 40% of the differences in stroke noted between the
two groups. (Ie, the reported benefits in the CCB-ACE group were attenuated
because, overall,� the
differences in risk factors favored this group.)
Note�the �spin� continues. If there is any benefit of CCB - ACE over
BB-Thiazide, it is certainly minimal. This additional analysis markedly
increases the number of patients needed-to-treat to
more clinically insignificant levels. It also greatly increases the NNT(unnecessarily) and the �Money Needed to Treat� to
benefit one patient.
It does not convince me to change first-line therapy away from BB-
Thiazide. �I would begin with a diuretic.
The Difference Between
Relative Risk Reduction And Absolute Risk Reduction
(This editorial comments, in generally favorable terms, on the preceding
�The amlodipine-based
regimen in
�On balance, the
Note again how misleading relative risk reductions can be. In absolute
terms, the percentage reductions are by my calculation:
Relative risk reduction (%)�
��� Absolute risk reduction (%)
Major C-V endpoints�������������� 16������������������������������������������� 0.5
Stroke������������������������������������� 23������������������������������������������� 1.0
Cardiovascular mortality�������� 24������������������������������������������� 0.5
Total mortality ����������������� ����� 11������������������������������������������� 0.9
Absolute risk would be further reduced if the adjustments cited in the
second study were considered.
Journal editors and investigators should not present relative risk
reductions in their studies.
Equivalent Efficacy For Treating Early and Latent Syphilis, but Resistance May
A single intramuscular dose of 2.4
million units of penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin
LA) is the recommended therapy for early syphilis. It is low cost.
Adherence is no problem.� Disadvantages
include pain, the relatively high prevalence of self-reported penicillin
allergy, and the need for injection equipment and trained personnel.� In addition, there is some risk of
transmission of blood-borne infections if the injection equipment is reused.
Azithromycin (Zithromax),� a macrolide
antibiotic with a long half-life (68 hours), would overcome some of these
disadvantages. Efficacy against Chlamydia
trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Haemophilus ducreyi has been
established. (Penicillin is not indicated and is ineffective against these
Azithromycin is a promising candidate for
treatment of primary and latent syphilis. [Latent syphilis is defined by 1) a
positive serological test, 2) a normal CSF, and 3) no clinical manifestations.]
This study compared effectiveness of
oral azithromycin vs intramuscular penicillin G benzathine in
There have been reports of
azithromycin-resistant strains T pallidum
in the
An accompanying editorial comments on
two important reasons for caution:� 1) The sustained success (50 years) of penicillin G
benzathine.� 2) The recent emergence of
resistance to azithromycin.
Penicillin G benzathine is marketed as Bicillin LA.�� Bicillin �LA is composed of one molecule of
dibenzylethylene diamine + two molecules of penicillin G.� Given intramuscularly, it maintains blood
levels for 2 weeks or more.
�It has been confused with Bicillin
C-R, a combination of penicillin G benzathine and penicillin procaine G which
produces blood levels more rapidly and of shorter duration. It� is not indicated for treatment of
Not too long ago, syphilis was considered a major stand-alone course in
medical school. I remember well giving treatment with arsphenamine and
neo-arsphenamine intravenously. The miracle of penicillin changed all that. The
problem of syphilis remains, but is less a problem, at least in the
Environmental Incivilities And Graffiti Have An Adverse Effect On Health
Independently of individual
characteristics, the place of residence may be associated with health outcomes,
including body size, and health-related behaviors such as the level of physical
exercise. Perceived attractiveness of neighborhoods has been related to levels
of physical activity. Incivilities, such as litter and graffiti, are associated
with adverse effects on general wellbeing.
This study hypothesized that areas which
are unpleasant, with many incivilities and few green areas,
might discourage people from exercising, and thus influence the levels of
For individuals living in neighborhoods
with high amounts of greenery, the likelihood of being more active was more
than 3 times as high as that of those living in neighborhoods with low levels
of greenery.
For respondents whose residential
environment contained high levels of incivilities, the likelihood of being more
physically active was about 50% less, and the likelihood of being overweight/obese was about 50% higher.
�In efforts to promote physical
activity and reduce weight, attention should be paid to environmental facilitators
and barriers as well as individual factors.�
What does this have to do about primary care?� A great deal.� Economically disadvantaged patients are also
medically disadvantaged. Those who live in dangerous neighborhoods will, with
good reason, not walk the recommended mile or two daily. And they do not have
the means to go to a spa.
I recall an article I abstracted in December 2004 �Economics of Obesity�
(Practical Pointers December 2004 [12-6]).�
This suggests that economics plays a large part in the obesity epidemic.
Foods high in fat and sugar have become less expensive as obesity rates have risen. The poor are more likely to depend on these foods.
The economic situation of low-income people forces them to adopt �obesogenic�
diets. �If you live in the inner city you aren�t going to suddenly start eating
mangos and playing tennis.�
These articles should make us more understanding and compassionate, and
less critical. �Non-adherence� and �non-compliance� are often not due to lack
of motivation, but to poverty and lack of opportunity.
Of course, obesity also occurs more and more frequently in the affluent.
Just observe the crowd in an upscale Mall.
The cause of obesity is multi-factorial. Down-graded neighborhoods and
lack of economic advantages is an important factor.
The lungs provide a large surface
area for drug absorption. Inhaled insulin is absorbed more rapidly than regular
insulin given subcutaneously. The time to peak concentration of most inhaled
insulins is nearly superimposable with the rapid-acting insulin analogues.
Controlled trials compared Exubera (one brand of inhaled insulin) +
oral agents with injected insulin + oral agents. After
2 years, Exubera provided continuing glycemic control. HbA1c decreased 1.8%,
compared with a 1.5% decrease in the injected insulin group.
Is it safe?� Some studies have reported no adverse
pulmonary events; some have reported cough as the most common side effect. A
slight decline in carbon-monoxide-diffusing capacity occurred. Hypoglycemia,� headache and
dizziness have been reported. Patients with asthma absorbed lower amounts of
Longer term studies (a decade or
more) are required to evaluate pulmonary function and insulin-binding antibodies, as well as use in children and smokers.
Better Term
The essayist presents this provocative essay in more eloquent language
than I have indicated in the abstract. I chose a few points on which to
comment. Read the original. I believe most primary care clinicians will
disagree with many of his observations. RTJ
Recently, an international conference
of scientists and artists entitled �The Medical Humanities� was held in
So, what are �The medical humanities�
The commentator (an established poet
and essayist) finds it very difficult to define.
We know intuitively that the way
medicine is now taught and practiced is simply wrong�that the humane is being
supplanted by unfeeling science and uncaring economics. The medical literature
describes the practice of medicine in the modern era as increasingly dominated
by economic constraints and technological hubris.
�Distancing� is the process whereby
physicians remove themselves from the particulars of patients� experiences of
illness so that they may render accurate diagnosis and treatment.� It imperils the work of doctoring, converting
it from a sacred vocation, borne of a desire and duty to alleviate suffering,
into a mere financially rewarded, technically
challenging line of work.
Medicine, in losing sight of how the
arts and humanities inform and elevate the work of healing, is following the
footsteps of larger societal trends. The view of any kind of work as simply a
means to the all-important paycheck is widespread nowadays. Many find
themselves looking instinctively to the humanities as a source of renewal, reconnection , and meaning. Alas, �the medical humanities�
may ultimately provide little help in relieving the predicament. It does not assert
the goal of educating aspiring physicians to be more empathetic. It fails to
stipulate just what in its far-reaching realm is truly relevant to the ill and
their caregivers.
Perhaps it is expedient to blame the
shortcomings of modern biomedicine on the stereotypically bespectacled,
heartless philistine hiding behind his bleeping machines in his white coat,
rather than to look more critically at the economic pressures that have so harshly
changed medical practice. Can we really expect beleaguered clinicians and
medical educators to teach ethical thinking or to nurture compassion in
trainees who come to their prospective profession lacking in these fundamental
personal virtues that more appropriately ought to have been instilled in them
by their parents, or by immersion in what should be a healthier, more
universally humane society?�� Can we even
be sure that teaching humanities in a medical context might in fact humanize
medical care? Would it ultimately provide more patient-centered, and thus more
attentive and probably more effective care?
Only with omnipresent and immediately
accessible humanities resources for ourselves and our trainees can we nourish
in our profession �the art of medicine� from which we have become so estranged.
Thus, many of us find ourselves
looking instinctively to the humanities as a source of renewal, reconnection,
and meaning.
JAMA September� 9, 2005; 294: 1009-1011 �A Piece
of My Mind�, Editorial by Rafael Campo,
9-2 ���THE
MEDICAL HUMANITIES�: Attempting A Definition
I tried, along with the editorialist,
to more clearly define �The Medical Humanities�, or more specifically
�Humanities� It became confusing. Consider these definitions supplied by my
A bipedal animal of the family Hominidae,� species Homo sapiens.
A human being.
Man, broadly, as
distinguished from a divine entity and from lower animals. [My dictionary is dated.]
The state of being human
Adjective:� 1) Marked by compassion, sympathy, or
consideration for humans and animals.
2) Having the good qualities of human
beings�kindness, mercy, compassion. �
Used as a noun �The Humane� encompasses all the above qualities.
Noun:� The branches of learning (philosophy, arts,
language) that investigate human constructs and concerns as opposite to natural
processes and social relations.
Those branches of
knowledge concerned with man and his culture, as philosophy, literature, and
fine arts.
The study of
classical languages and literature�Latin and Greek.
If to be �human� is to have all the
attributes of being �man�, logically this would include both:
1) The benevolent
attributes (compassion, sympathy, caring, kindness, mercy, and consideration
for others) and,
2) The malevolent
attributes (brutality, oppression, hubris, domination, injustice, racism,
sexism, elitism, violence, war, genocide, arrogance, greed, and 100 other
It seems to me that over human
history 2) has outweighed 1).
Thus, it seems contradictory to morph
�human� (good and evil) into humane. Ironically, adding the
eliminates 2) and focuses only on 1) ��What
a switch!
The question remains - What are �The
Medical Humanities�?
The goal of the discipline is to help
individuals attain the most complete maturity possible. A most important aspect
of becoming a complete adult in our society is the ability to accurately comprehend
the feelings of others and to act on them. This is not easily achieved. The
�art of comprehending�, just as �the art of listening�, is a life-long quest.
Very few individuals attain complete maturity..
How do we help ourselves and others
attain complete maturity? �
I agree with the editorialist� that the ability and the desire to
care for others are best instilled from an early age, by example and
instruction at home. I also believe that an appreciation of �The Humanities�
can and should be taught in college and graduate school. I applaud the change
in emphasis of premedical training over the decades from the �sciences� to
history, art, languages, and social studies. Perhaps �humaneness� can be taught
in formal terms. But, that is only a part of the learning curve.
The editorialist asks��What
high-powered, busy professional�lawyer, banker, architect, or business
executive�has the imaginative wherewithal, or even the inclination to integrate
an appreciation of Bach or O�Keeffe amidst his or her daily tasks?� Would this make anyone more �humane�?� Does reading great literature add to one�s
�humaneness�?� The ability to address a
patient in his own language certainly does help to �connect�.
Perhaps a study of �The Humanities� can
help one achieve a higher degree of maturity. But I believe humaneness is best
taught by example. A medical trainee would more likely remember and be guided
by an example of caring demonstrated by a mentor than to remember the content
of a course on bioethics. Achieving �humaneness� is a lifelong quest.
Developing full �medical humanity� (the art of medicine) is a life-long
quest.� Just as is its counterpart, �the
art of listening.�
So, to attempt a definition:
�A Humanity� is any product of human creativity
and any human relationship which promotes understanding, kindness, good will,
compassion, care, and caring.
�The Humanities� is the totality of
all �A Humanity�.
�A Medical Humanity� (�The Medical
Humanities�) does not differ from any other. However, medical professionals
(nurses, therapists, dieticians, and physicians) may have more opportunity to
�A Humanity� because they care for others when the others are most vulnerable.
Practical Pointers September 2005,
Commentary by the Editor.
�Doing It In The Doctor�s Waiting
Room May Be Better Than Doing It At Home.�
Effective care of hypertension
requires rigorous management with regular review and willingness to intensify
drug treatment. The outcome of regular care depends on patients as much, or more than, it does on practitioners. Managing
chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes emphasizes the value of patients�
participation. The same is probably true for self monitoring of blood pressure.
Validated electronic measuring
devices are now available to the public. Self monitoring satisfies the public�s
demand for more self control and knowledge about health and disease.
This issue of BMJ reports a
randomized trial1� on self monitoring BP in the physician�s office The self
measured and the professionally measured BPs were comparable. This suggests
that hypertension guidelines are applicable to self monitoring.
The study reported a cost effective
reduction in treatment of hypertension with no increase in anxiety.
Previous studies reported that home
monitoring is more effective in controlling BP and achieving targets. This is
probably explained by the absence of a white coat effect and better adherence
to treatment.
Self monitoring of BP should be part
of a plan to include patients in decisions about treatments. It allows active
participation by patients without losing professional supervision. Office self
monitoring may prove an advantage over self monitoring at� home.
BMJ September 5, 2005; 331:
466-67 �Editorial, first author J
Carel Bakx,
and Self Monitoring in Hypertension�� BMJ
September 3, 2005; 331: 493-96 Original investigation first author R J McManus,
Note that this study assessed patient
self determination of BP in the doctor�s office, not at home.
Patients were welcomed into the BP
measuring room of the practice and encouraged to measure their own BP at least
once a month using an electronic BP machine. They received instructions on how
to use the machine on their first visit. Patients were given an instruction
card showing their BP target (140/85). Monthly BP readings were recorded on the
card. Patients were asked to see the practitioner or nurse if BP exceeded
target on successive months, or if it was very high. More than 90% of patients
were seen by the medical staff during the year.
9-4 ��THE
METABOLIC SYNDROME�A New Worldwide Definition
The metabolic syndrome (MS) (visceral obesity, dyslipidemia,
hyperglycemia, and hypertension) has become a major public-health challenge
world wide.
The association of several of these
risk factors has been known for 80 years, but received scant attention until
Reaven in 1988 described �Syndrome X�:�
insulin resistance, hypertension, low HDL-cholesterol, and raised
VLDL-triglycerides. He omitted obesity (especially central obesity)� which is now
considered an essential component of the MS.
Several definitions have been
proposed over the years.
Several of the factors are related to
The ultimate importance of the MS is
that it identifies individuals at high risk for type 2
diabetes (DM2) and
cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The conceptual framework used to
underpin the MS (and hence drive definitions) has not been agreed upon.
Opinions vary as to whether MS should be defined mainly to indicate insulin
resistance, the metabolic consequences of obesity, or simply a collection of
statistically related factors.� The
prevalence of the syndrome has been similar in any given population regardless
of which definition is used, but different individuals are identified.
Another difficulty has been the
applicability of the MS to different ethnic groups.
The International Diabetes Federation
(2004) felt there was a strong need for one practical definition that would be
useful in any country for the identification of high risk of DM2 and CVD:
1) Central (abdominal) obesity is a
prerequisite to the diagnosis of the MS.
Waist circumference
94 cm or more for white men of European origin; 80 cm or more for women. (The cut points for other ethnic
groups have been changed (See text)� In the USA, cut points of 100 cm and
88 cm are likely to be retained in the definition.
Waist� circumference is highly related to insulin
If body mass index is
over 30, central obesity can be assumed, and waist circumference does not need
to be measured.
Central obesity is
related to each of the other components of the MS. If it is not present, the MS
is not diagnosed.
Plus any two of the following four
2) Triglycerides 150 mg/dL and above.
3) HDL-cholesterol under 40 mg/dL in
man and under 50 mg in women.
Both 2) and 3) are commonly observed
in patients with DM2 and insulin resistance.
Both are risk factors for CVD.
4) BP 130 systolic and above;
diastolic 85 and above, or previously treated hypertension.
5) Fasting blood glucose 100 and above, or previously diagnosed diabetes.
If above 100, a glucose tolerance
test is strongly recommended.
Insulin resistance, which is
difficult to measure, is not included.
Clinicians should use the new
criteria for the identification of high-risk individuals.
Preventive measures are needed for
those identified. Lifestyle modification with weight loss and increased
physical activity will be beneficial.�
Drug therapy may be needed to address individual abnormalities if
lifestyle therapy fails.� There is no
specific treatment.
Primary intervention
Moderate calorie
restriction to achieve up to 10% loss of body weight in the first year.
Moderate increase
in physical activity.
Change in dietary composition.
Clinical benefits are
associated with small weight loss in terms of preventing (or at least delaying)
conversion of persons with glucose intolerance to clinical DM2.
Secondary intervention:
In persons for whom
lifestyle changes are not enough and who are considered at high risk for CVD,
drug therapy for individual components of the MS may be required:
1) Dyslipidemia:� Lower triglycerides;� Raise HDL-c levels; Lower LDL-c levels
Fibrates improve all components of the
dyslipidemia. They appear to reduce the risk of CVD in persons with the MS.
Statins reduce LDL-c. Several studies have
confirmed the benefits of statins in the MS.
2) Elevated BP:� Categorical hypertension (140/90 and above;
130/80 and above for diabetics) should be treated� The majority of clinical trials suggest that
the risk reduction is due to BP lowering per se, and not due to a particular
type of drug.
3) Insulin resistance and
hyperglycemia: There is growing interest in the possibility that drugs that
reduce insulin resistance will delay the onset of DM2 and reduce CVD risk. Metformin in patients with prediabetes will prevent or
delay development of DM2. Thiazolidinediones, acarbose, and orlistat may have
some benefit.
The authors stress, these new
criteria are not the final word. Hopefully they will help identify people at
increased risk.
Lancet September 24,
2005; 366: 105962� �Comment�, first
author K George M M Alberti,
The Big Question�Will It Mutate To Facilitate Human To Human
9-5 ��INFLUENZA� A (�Bird
Flu�;� H5N1): Will It Become The Next Pandemic Influenza? Are We Ready?
Experts have predicted a next
pandemic flu for many years. They believe that the question is not whether
another pandemic will occur, but when. They fear an event like the Spanish flu
of 1918-19 (H1N1) which rapidly caused death of millions and reduced the
average life expectancy in the
Avian influenza (influenza A H5N1)
appears to have a similar potential.
Most flu viruses occur in birds.
Aquatic waterfowl are their natural reservoir. Only a few types of the virus
have circulated widely in humans. �Bird flu� refers to both influenza in birds
and to instances when the virus jumps the species barrier to cause human
Two major glycoproteins
exist on the surface of the virus:� hemagglutinin
(H) and neuraminidase (N). The subtypes of H and N are antigenically
distinct�16 H subtypes and 9 N subtypes. All are found in birds. Thus far, only
H1, H2, and H3 have caused pandemic or epidemics in humans. The viruses are
constantly evolving into new antigenic variants to which humans are not
immune.� This accounts for the
vulnerability of flu in humans and the need for annual vaccination with
vaccines trying to match the virus most likely to cause the disease in the next
In 1997, a cluster of avian influenza
(H5N1) occurred in
To cause a global pandemic the virus
needs three properties:� 1) ability to
infect people, 2) substantially new antigenic properties to which humans are
not immune,� and
3) efficient person-to-person transmission.�
H5N1 has the first 2 properties, but there is only minimal evidence of
A H5N1 vaccine is currently in human
trials, The hemagglutinin (H5) may be a poor antigen.
Necessary studies needed to assess efficacy and safety may require extended
time. The virus may traverse the globe before the vaccine is mass produced.
Amantadine and rimantadine
are not active against H5N1 even though it is a type A
virus. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu; given
orally) and zanamivir (Relenza; given
by inhalation) are active in vitro and in animal models. Clinical utility for
treatment and prevention of H5N1 has not been rigorously studied. The supply is
inadequate for a global pandemic. Antiviral resistance does occur.
Some have argued since, after its
9-year presence in poultry, there is no evidence that the virus has mutated to
permit human-to-human transmission, if a pandemic were to happen it would have
happened already.
We must not ignore the possibility of
a pandemic. Even if it does not materialize, the planning and development of
effective interventions will provide the necessary preparations in the event
that another avian strain, to which humans have no immunity, jumps the species
Annals Int
Med September 20, 2005; 460-62�
Editorial, first author John G Bartlett, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD.
An article in NEJM September 29,
2005; 353: 1374-85 from the WHO provides some additional details.
The big question is:� Will H5N1 mutate so that human-to-human
spread occurs with a facility similar to H1N1 �Spanish flu�?�� If so, since humans have not had exposure to
H5N1 and have no immunity to it, a pandemic may result. Thus far, there is no
strong evidence that human-to-human transmission occurs easily. Indeed,
bird-to-human transmission is not very efficient. Species
barriers to acquisition of H5N1 is substantial.� Serologic studies of exposed health-care
workers indicate that transmission is inefficient.
What about drug treatment and
prophylaxis?� Early administration of
antiviral agents appears to be beneficial. Patients with suspected H5N1 should
promptly receive a neuraminidase inhibitor pending diagnosis by laboratory
testing. The optimal dose and duration of treatment are uncertain. Currently
approved regimens likely represent the minimum required. Tamiflu and Relenza are
active against H5N1 in animal models. High levels of resistance to Tamiflu have been detected in several
patients with H5N1. Amantadine and rimantadine are not effective for H5N1. For
prophylaxis, Tamiflu is warranted for
persons who have had a possible exposure to H5N1.
�Cutting Down� Reduces Risk Of Lung
Cancer, But Not Risk Of Myocardial Infarction And COPD.
Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide; 90% of cases
are tobacco-related.
The efficacy of smoking cessation
intervention is limited. Many smokers are unwilling or unable to quit.
This study asks - Would �cutting
down� reduce risk of LC?
Conclusion:� The risk of LC was significantly reduced in
heavy smokers who reduced smoking by 50%.
1. Observations, population-based cohort study followed over
19 500 individual smokers for up to 31 years.
Mean pack-years ranged from 15 to 31.
2. Subjects attended 2
consecutive examinations at a 5- to 10-year interval between 1964 and 1988.
They completed self-filled questionnaires asking about life-style habits.
3. Divided into 6 groups according to smoking habits:
1) Continued heavy smokers (> 15
cigarettes daily; mean = 20).
2) Reducers reduced smoking from >
15 per day by a minimum of 50% without quitting.
3) Continued light smokers (1-14 per
4) Quitters (stopped between 1st
and 2nd examinations).
5) Stable ex-smokers.
6) Never smokers.
4. Determined incident LC from the National Cancer Registry
until 2003.
1. Incident LC occurred in 864 individuals (4.3%).
2. Groups:�������������������������������������������� 1)�������� 2) ������� 3)�������� 4)�������� 5)�������� 6)
Number����������������������������������� 7351���� 832������ 3199���� 1355���� 2881���� 4066
Pack years at baseline�������������� 31�������� 27�������� 14�������� 19�������� 14
Number of LCs ����������������������� 576������ 52�������� 104������ 52�������� 52�������� 28
% with� LC������������������������������ 7.8������� 6.3������� 3.3������� 3.6������� 1.8������� 0.7
Adjusted hazard ratio for LC:���� 1.00����� 0.73����� 0.44����� 0.50����� 0.17����� 0.09
3. Absolute difference,
continued heavy smokers vs those who reduced consumption by 50%� = 7.8% - 6.3% = 1.5%
4. Sixty two smokers
would have to cut consumption by 50% to prevent one LC.
5. Twenty four would have
to quit completely to prevent one LC.
1. A large reduction in
tobacco consumption between baseline and follow-up was associated with a
decrease in subsequent LC.� A mean
decrease in 62% of cigarettes smoked was associated with a 27% reduction in
2. Participants who were
light smokers throughout the study and those who quit had considerably lower risk.�
3. Participants who were
ex-smokers at baseline had a much lower risk. Another study reported that
cessation before middle-age was associated with a more than 90% reduction in
4. Only a minority of
smokers are able to achieve and sustain a considerable reduction, even with the
aid of ad libitum
nicotine replacement. Subsequent compensatory smoking may occur in those who
reduce intake. (Ie, they may inhale more deeply and use more of the cigarette.)
5. The authors previously
investigated the all-cause mortality, fatal and non-fatal myocardial
infarction, and hospitalization for COPD in smokers. They found no reduction in
risk associated with smoking reduction. �Cutting down� does not reduce these
risks.� LC is more likely to demonstrate
a dose-response to cutting down.
6. Nevertheless, the risk
of LC continues to some extent over the long-term even in those who quit.
Smoking reduction from an average of
20 cigarettes per day to less than 10 per day was associated with a reduction
in risk of LC by about 25%.
JAMA September 28, 205; 294:
1505-10� Original investigation,
first author Nina S Gotfredsen,
Is cutting down worthwhile?� Considering that LC is fatal, it is.
An accompanying editorial �Reducing The Risk Of Lung Cancer�, first author Lawrence J Dacey,
Cigarette smoking causes about 5
million deaths each year around the world. In the
�Fortunately, it is never too early
or too late to stop smoking.� There is always a health benefit to be gained by
quitting. One study reported that a lifetime male smoker who lived to age 75
had a 16% cumulative risk (a one in six) chance of getting LC. If that
individual had quit at age 60, the cumulative risk decreased to 10%. Stopping
at age 50 would reduce risk to 6%; at age 40 to 3%; at age 30 to 1.7%.
Quitting well into middle life
dramatically reduces risk. Quitting before middle age reduces risk by at least
More than 2/3 of smokers say they
want to quit. Only a minority will succeed.�
It is essential to find better ways to help them quit. Intensive
cessation programs combined with nicotine replacement have some success.
How should clinicians advise patients who cannot or will not quit? Some have no
intention of doing so because they enjoy smoking so much. Is there anything
physicians can offer beside more lectures, stern admonitions, and grim
The preceding study presents some
benefits from cutting down. It is important to inform smokers that the more
they can reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke, the more they will
decrease the risk of LC.� �They should
stop smoking completely, but cutting down is clearly beneficial.�
See the following report on snuff. RTJ
Would You Advise Snuff For Nicotine Replacement?
9-7 ��MIXED
�Public health often requires
balancing risks and benefits. This can be complex, especially with tobacco.�
The British American Tobacco (BAT) company markets �snus� in
BAT is trying to��extend the appeal
of snus to more adult smokers who have not heard of snus to try it.� BAT claims
that the move is part of their �continuing efforts in harm reduction�.� They claimed that the biggest group of
quitters in
Is it true that snus is a harm-reduction
product? It certainly is much less harmful than cigarettes. It has not been
associated with any increase in lung cancer. But, it is classified as a
carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. A recent study
reported an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Snus is not harmless.
Is it effective as an aid to quitting
cigarettes? Evidence is inadequate, but suggests that it may be effective for
some smokers. Many nicotine users favor it over tobacco smoke. The fact that
more Swedes choose snus rather than therapeutic nicotine replacement for
routine use suggests that it offers a better �fix�.
Is it addictive? This is
controversial. Nicotine replacement therapy is relatively non-addictive, but
there is a view that, if such therapy is to replace cigarettes it needs to be
more competitive, and this means more addictive.
Should public heath workers advocate
legalization of snus? Many are opposed to the concept of harm-reduction,
particularly one that introduces another tobacco product. Tobacco contains
carcinogens other than nitrosamines. It is possible (however reluctantly) to
agree that snus is a harm-reduction product, but only when compared with
For snus to
be legally available, it must be regulated. Snus is quite a long way from the
market in
September 17, 2005; 366; 966 -67� �Comment� by Nigel Gray, International Agency
for Research on Cancer, Lyon
9-8 ��SCABIES: Diagnosis
And Treatment
(I enjoyed this concise review. I abstracted 8 clinical
points. RTJ)
1) A history of itching
in several family members over the same period is almost pathognomonic.
Consider scabies in any adult with widespread eczema or pruritus of new onset,
or with widespread impetigo.
3) In men, itchy papules
on the scrotum and penis are virtually pathognomic.
4) The pathognomonic sign
is the burrow. They may be missed if the skin has been scratched, has become
secondarily infected, or if eczema is present.
5) Permethrin 5% dermal
cream is the treatment of choice. It must be applied correctly. Apply to the
whole body (except head and neck) with 2 applications, one week apart. Wash off
at 12� hours.
Only a small amount is absorbed through the skin and this is rapidly detoxified
in the body.
6) Malathion is a second
choice. The oral antiparasitic drug ivermectin is also effective.
7) Lindane is less
effective than permethrin. It has been withdrawn in many countries because of
reports of aplastic anemia. It is neurotoxic if ingested or excessive
absorption occurs.
7)� If itching persists after treatment, topical
corticosteroids with or without topical antibiotics (depending �� on secondary infection) may be used.
8) Treatment should be
started if scabies is suspected clinically, even if it cannot be confirmed by� microscopy.
BMJ September 17, 2005; 331:
619-22� �Clinical Review�, first
author Graham Johnston, Leicester Royal Infirmary,
Clinical features:
Cluster headache (CH) is one of the most severe pain syndromes. It is underdiagnosed
and suboptimally managed in primary care. It has substantial effects on
functioning, even when appropriate treatments are used.
Headaches often start about 1 to 2
hours after falling asleep, or in the early morning. Attacks can strike up to 8
times a day, are relatively short-lived (18 to 180 minutes) ,
and are characterized by very severe unilateral head pain localized in or
around the eye. Attacks may occur daily for some weeks followed by a period of
complete remission. (CH is cyclic.)
Patients with CH, unlike those with
migraine, are restless and prefer to pace about or sit and rock back and forth.
Some will isolate themselves or leave the house to get into cold air. Some
become aggressive.
Unilateral autonomic symptoms
ipsilateral to the pain occur only during attacks: ptosis and pupil
(a partial Horner�s syndrome); as
well as lacrimation, conjunctival injection, rhinorrhea, and nasal congestion.
This indicates parasympathetic hyperactivity, and sympathetic impairment.
Sweating and blood flow to the skin increase on the painful side.
Epidemiology and genetics:
Compared with migraine, CH is
uncommon. It mostly affects men. There are some reports of an increased history
of head trauma with brain concussion, but a cause and effect relation is not
established. Chronic headache is more common in smokers. But quitting has no
benefit. Alcohol and nitrates can trigger an attack.
A 14-fold increase in risk in
first-degree relatives, and a 2-fold risk in second-degree relatives has been
reported. Genetic factors may be important, but no precise mechanism of
inheritance has been described.
The hypothalamus is involved in CH.
Hypothalamic activation occurs with secondary activation of the trigeminal and
facial nerves. The autonomic symptoms and the headache may be generated
entirely through central mechanisms. The hypothalamus is the key site for
triggering pain and controlling the cycling aspects of
Is exclusively
clinical. In its
typical form, CH is unmistakable.
The International Classification of
Headache Disorders lists criteria on page 848.
Based entirely on
empirical data.
Drug treatment shows a placebo effect similar to that of migraine.
A. Treatment of acute attack:
1) 100% oxygen inhalation is
effective in stopping attacks.. There are obvious
logistical problems.
The mechanism of action is not
2) Triptans
(selective 5-hydroxytryptamine agonists as used for migraine):
Sumatriptan (Imitrex) injected subcutaneously
and by nasal spray.
Zolmitriptan (Zonig) orally and
by nasal spray.
3) Lidocaine
by nasal application.
B. Preventive therapy:
The primary goal is to suppress
attacks and to maintain suppression over the expected duration of the
1) The cornerstone is the
calcium blocker, verapamil (Generic) Daily dose 240 to 360 mg (occasionally up to 480-720 mg)
is the established therapy. It is generally well tolerated, but dose should be
increased gradually until it is effective. It must be monitored by regular
ECGs. It can be used safely with sumatriptan.
2) Corticosteroids may be
given in the first 2 weeks of verapamil therapy. Open label trials have
reported efficacy. No randomized trials are available.
3) Methysergide
and corticosteroids are also used short-term. Care�methysergide is metabolized
into an active compound,�
methylergometrine. Long term use has been associated with
pulmonary and retroperitoneal fibrosis.
4) Ergotamine and
triptans have also been used effectively as an initial prophylactic therapy.
5. Combinations of drugs
have been used.
(The rather large number of choices
suggests that none is �best� and individual trials are necessary. RTJ)
Lancet September 3, 2005;
366: 843-55� �Seminar�, review
article by Arne May, Universitats-
Primary Prevention Is Much More
Since the 1980s, coronary heart
disese (CHD) mortality rates have
halved. Studies consistently suggest that 50% to 75% of the decrease in cardiac
deaths can be attributed to population-wide improvements in the major risk
factors, particularly smoking, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Modern
cardiological treatments for CHD generally explain the remaining 25% to 50% of
the fall in mortality.
Risk factor reduction should be a
central component of all CHD policies. Disagreement continues about whether to
prioritize risk factor reduction across the whole population (primary
prevention), or mainly to target CHD patients (secondary prevention).
This study analyzed the decrease in
CHD mortality between1981-2000, and estimated the proportions attributable to
changes in major cardiovascular risk factors in apparently healthy people
(primary prevention) and in patients with CHD (secondary prevention).
Conclusion:� Primary prevention was by far the most
important factor in reducing deaths due to CHD.
1. Used a model to
synthesize data describing CHD patient numbers, uptake of specific treatments,
trends in major cardiovascular risk factors, and the mortality benefits of
specific risk factor changes in healthy people and in patients with CHD.
1. Over the 30 years
between 1981 and 2000, overall there was a 54% fall in CHD mortality; about 68
000 fewer deaths from CHD in 2000 than in 1981.
2. Fall in mortality from CHD attributable to changes in risk
Deaths prevented or postponed yearly
(2000 vs 1981)
% changes *��������� Primary
prevention� Secondary prevention��������� Total
Smoking ���������������� - 35%�������������������� 24
000������������������������� 5000���������������������������� 29 000
Cholesterol������������� - 4.2���������������������� 4700���������������������������� 3100���������������������������� 7900
Blood pressure������� -7.7����������������������� 7200���������������������������� 500������������������������������ 7700
All 3��������������������������������������������������� 36
000� ����������������������� 8700���������������������������� 45 000
(* % changes in the risk factor level
in the population)
3. For
the change in all 3 factors, 81% of the benefit occurred in primary prevention;
19% in secondary prevention.
1. Mortality from CHD
fell by 54% between 1981 and 2000. About half of this reduction could be
attributed to primary prevention, defined as reductions in the 3 major risk
factors in persons without recognized CHD.
2. Primary prevention had
a fourfold greater benefit than secondary prevention.
3. The fourfold advantage
becomes 12-fold greater when life-years gained are considered. A death
prevented or postponed in a patient with CHD gains an additional 7 years of
life, compared with 21 years for primary������
prevention in a healthy person.
4. The biggest single
contributor was a decrease in overall smoking.
About half of the recent large falls
in CHD deaths can be attributed to primary prevention in three� major risk factors in people without
recognized CHD.
Primary prevention has a fourfold
bigger impact on mortality than secondary prevention.
September 17, 2005; 331: 614-17�
Original investigation, first author Belgin Unal, Dokuz Eylul University
School of Medicine,
The benefits of antihypertension
drugs for prevention of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity are well
established. Trials using standard diuretic or beta-blocker therapy, or both,
indicate a lowering of BP is associated with a significant fall in coronary
heart disease (CHD) events.
�The issue of which antihypertensive
agent should be used in first-line treatment� has been controversial for almost two decades.��
This study asked�Would a regimen
based on a calcium channel blocker� (CCB) + an angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitor (ACE) lead to more
favorable outcomes than a regimen based on a beta-blocker (BB) + a Thiazide
Conclusion: The amlodipine-based
regimen prevented more major cardiovascular events than the beta-blocker based
1. Prospective,
randomized trial entered over 19 000 patients with hypertension. (Mean BP =
164/95) About 60% were over age 60;� mean age not stated.)� None had a history of coronary� heart disease. All had at least three
other cardiovascular risk factors (a high risk group).� Other risk factors: �left ventricular hypertrophy; type 2
diabetes;� peripheral artery
disease;� previous stroke of TIA;� male ��� sex;� age 55 or over; microalbuminuria
or� proteinuria;� smoking;�
high ratio of� total cholesterol/HDL-���� cholesterol; family history of premature
cardiovascular disease.
2. All had BP of 160/100
or more, or treated hypertension with BP of 140/90 or more. Mean baseline �BMI =
29.� Target BP = < 140/90 (<130/80
for patients with diabetes).
3. Randomized to:
1) A calcium channel
blocker (CCB; amlodipine; Norvasc) 5-10 mg + addition of an
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE
inhibitor; perindopril; Aceon) 4-8
mg, if required to lower BP to target, vs
2) A beta-blocker (BB; atenolol; generic) 50-100 mg +
addition of a thiazide diuretic bendroflumethiazide
1.25-2.5 mg if required to reach target BP.
(Other drugs could be continued or
added to reach target.)
4. Primary endpoint = combined non-fatal myocardial infarct
(including silent infarct) + fatal CHD.
1. The study was stopped
prematurely after a median of 5.5 years (over 106 000 patient-years) because
fewer patients in the CCB-ACE group had the primary endpoint.
(Note: this did not reach statistical significance.)
2. End mean BP =
137.7/79.2 for BB group; 136.1/77.4 for CCB group. Difference = 1.6/1.8 in
favor of CCB.
3. The majority of
subjects took at least two antihypertensive drugs.� The average numbers of drugs were 2.2 and
2.3. About 1/5 crossed over to a drug included in the group to which they were
not assigned.
4. Outcomes over 5.5 years ����������������� ACE
+ CCB���� BB + Thiazide�������� NNT*
(n = 9639)�������� (n = 9618)
Primary endpoint ��������������������� 429������������������ 474������������������ ����� 208**
Stroke (fatal & non-fatal)���������� 327������������������ 422������������������������ 65
Total cardiovascular
events & procedures���������� 1362���������������� 1602���������������������� 25
All-cause mortality������������������� 738������������������ 820������������������������ 116
Incidence of diabetes���������������� 567������������������ 799������������������������ 24***
(* NNT for 5.5
years to benefit one patient.�� ** Not statistically
significant. The authors attributed this to under powering of the study.� *** NNT to harm one patient (develop
diabetes) (My calculations. RTJ)
5. At trial close-out, only 53% of patients had reached both
systolic and diastolic BP targets.
6. Adverse effects:
ACE group (%)������������ BB group (%)
Cough�������������������������� 19�������������������������������� 8
Dizziness��������������������� 12�������������������������������� 16
Dyspnea���������������������� 6��������������������������������� 10
Fatigue������������������������ 8��������������������������������� 16
Joint swelling���������������� 14�������������������������������� 3
Peripheral edema��������� 23�������������������������������� 6
7. Overall 25% of
subjects stopped therapy because of adverse events�with no significant
difference between groups. Serious side effects (not specified) occurred in 2%
vs 3%.
1. This study
demonstrated that BP can be lowered effectively in most patients.
2. �The findings of
ASCOT-BPLA show that in hypertensive patients at moderate risk of developing
cardiovascular events, an antihypertensive drug regimen starting with
amlodipine adding perindopril, as required, is better than one starting with
atenolol adding a thiazide, as required, in terms of reducing the incidence of
all types of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality, and in terms of
risk of subsequent new-onset diabetes.�
In my view, the study group was at high risk for cardiovascular events.
All had hypertension and had three additional risk factors. RTJ)
3. �We�feel an
appropriate reflection of contemporary medical practice would be to consider
the primary endpoint plus coronary revascularizations for which a significant
difference exists in favour of the amlodipine-based regimen.�
4. The average number of
drugs used to reach target BP was 2.2;� 8% of patients were on 4 or more. This
lends support to the use of, and adherence to, standardized treatment
algorithms for lowering BP effectively� unless contraindications exist or
side-effects arise.
5. Much data exists that
the size of the absolute BP reduction is a more important determinant of the
relative effects on total cardiovascular events than the choice of
antihypertensive drugs.
6. �Pending further
information, we believe the combination of a beta-blocker and a diuretic should
not be recommended in preference to the comparator regimen used in ASCOT-BPLA
for routine use, but only for specific circumstances.�
7. Since the absolute
benefits associated with the amlodipine-based regimen are small, the authors
admit there are cost implications.
The amlodipine-based
regimen prevented more major cardiovascular events and induced less diabetes
than the atenolol-based regimen.
Lancet September 10, 2005;� 366: 895-906
original investigation, The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial--Blood
Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA),�
first author Bjorn Dahlof,
More �Spin�
9-12 ��ROLE
(This article, by the same
investigators, expands on the previous trial)
In the preceding study, there were
differences during the follow-up period in BP and other risk factors between
the BB-Thiazide group and the CCB-ACE group. This additional study assessed the
extent to which these differences influenced the outcome. During the first year
of the study, more events occurred in the CCB-ACE group than in the BB-Thiazide
group. Thereafter, outcomes favored the CCB-ACE group.
Differences between the groups
included BP, HDL-cholesterol,�
triglycerides, potassium, fasting glucose, heart rate, and body
mass index. All of these variables were significantly associated with rates of
coronary events and stroke during the trial. (CCB-ACE, in addition to a
slightly greater reduction in BP, was associated with reductions in other risk
factors.)� The investigators offer no
explanation except . . .�That it remains possible that differential effects of
the two treatment regimens on other variables also contributed to the different
rates noted�.
These factors influenced outcomes
favoring the CCB-ACE group. After adjusting for these factors the investigators
determined that they accounted for about half the reported difference in
coronary events and about 40% of the differences in stroke noted between the
two groups. (Ie, the reported benefits in the CCB-ACE group were attenuated
because, overall,� the
differences in risk factors favored this group.)
Differences in HDL-cholesterol had
the largest effect on the differences in coronary events. (Ie, HDL was higher
in the CCB-ACE group during follow-up.)
�Overall, after adjustment of the
combined effect of differences in weight, heart rate, biochemical variables,
and blood pressure, ��� the differences in
the effects of treatments on coronary and stroke events were no longer
significant. This adjustment, however, only explained about 50% and 40% of the
differences in coronary and stroke events, respectively.�
�Irrespective of the mechanism of
action, the amlodipine-based regimen was more effective in reducing
cardiovascular events than the atenolol-based regimen.�
�For many patients benefits of the
amlodipine-based regimen, in terms of lowering blood pressure and prevention of
cardiovascular events, are greater than the well-established benefits of the
standard combination therapy of beta-blockers plus a diuretic.�
Lancet September 10,
2005; 366: 907-13�� Original
investigation, first author Neil R Poulter, Imperial College London, London,
The Difference Between
Relative Risk Reduction And Absolute Risk Reduction
(This editorial comments, in generally favorable terms, on the preceding
�The amlodipine-based
regimen in
How should clinicians translate
�On balance, the
Of note, at the end of the study, as
in most other trials, BP was properly controlled in only 32% of the diabetic
and 60% of the non-diabetic population. �These dismal statistics underscore the
need for use of multiple drug combinations spanning newer and older drug
classes in a large group of hypertensive patients and a need to up-titrate
treatment more rapidly.�
Lancet September 10,
2005; 366: 869-71� �Comment�, first
author Jan A Staessen,
Equivalent Efficacy For Treating Early and Latent Syphilis, but Resistance May
A single intramuscular dose of 2.4
million units of penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin
LA) is the recommended therapy for early syphilis. It is low cost.
Adherence is no problem.� Disadvantages
include pain, the relatively high prevalence of self-reported penicillin
allergy, and the need for injection equipment and trained personnel.
In addition, there is some risk of transmission of
blood-borne infections if the injection equipment is reused.
Azithromycin (Zithromax),� a macrolide
antibiotic with a long half-life (68 hours), would overcome some of these disadvantages.
Efficacy against Chlamydia trachomatis,
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Haemophilus ducreyi has been established.
(Penicillin is not indicated and is ineffective against these organisms.)
Azithromycin is a promising candidate for
treatment of primary and latent syphilis. [Latent syphilis is defined by 1) a
positive serological test, 2) a normal CSF, and 3) no clinical manifestations.]
This study compared effectiveness of
oral azithromycin vs intramuscular penicillin G benzathine in
Conclusion:� Single-dose azithromycin
was effective.
1. Followed� 328 subjects (25 with primary
syphilis) and 303 with latent syphilis [high titer (at least 1:8) on a rapid
plasma regain (RPR) test ].� All had been
recruited and detected by screening. Over 50% were also positive for HIV.
2. Randomized to a single
does of:� 1) azithromycin 2 gram orally,
or 2) intramuscular penicillin G benzathine 2.4 million units intramuscularly.
3. Primary outcome was
serological cure, defined by a decline in RPR titer of at least two dilutions
by nine months, or by epithelization of primary ulcers at 1 to 2 weeks.
1. Cure rates at 9 months were 98% in the azithromycin group
and 95% in the penicillin group.
2. In the groups treated with azithromycin, mild to moderate
adverse effects, primarily gastrointestinal in about
10%. (Ie, no higher than that
reported previously with lower doses. )
1. Azithromycin was
clearly as effective as penicillin in treating early syphilis in this group of
2. There have been
reports of azithromycin-resistant strains
T pallidum in the
3. Azithromycin was just
as effective in HIV positive individuals as in those without this infection.
4. �Our results are
applicable to a mixed population of persons with early and latent cases, making
them highly relevant to syphilis-control strategies in� developing countries in which . . . the
duration of infection is usually unknown.�
5. A major problem
affecting research on syphilis treatment is the imprecision of the definition
of serologic cure.� Such imprecision may
have led to either an overestimation or to an underestimation to the true rates
of cure.
6. Continued monitoring
for azithromycin resistance will be essential.
7. Given the logistical
advantage of oral treatment, particularly in resource-poor settings in developing
countries, and the efficacy of azithromycin in treatment other common sexually
transmitted infections, these findings support wider use of this alternative
NEJM September 22, 2005; 353:
1236-44� Original investigation,
first author Gabriele Reidner, London School of Tropical Medicine,
An editorial in this issue of NEJM
(pp 1291-93) by King K Holmes,
What innovations, if any, are now
warranted in the management of early syphilis? Can azithromycin be substituted
for penicillin? Should azithromycin be dispensed to patients with early
syphilis to deliver to their sexual partners in a manner analogous to that� of
patient-delivered partner therapy for gonorrhea and chlamydial infections?
Two important reasons for
caution:� 1) The
sustained success (50 years) of penicillin G benzathine.
2) The recent emergence of resistance
to azithromycin.
Resistance is due to a point mutation
in a RNA gene in T pallidum. This is
as common as 88% in
Given the sustained effectiveness of
penicillin G benzathine and the rapid emergence of resistance toazithromycin, there seems little reason to change the STD
treatment guidelines.
For those with penicillin allergy,
the forthcoming US guidelines list 100 mg doxycycline given orally twice daily
for 14 days;� 1 gram ceftriaxone given I
M� daily for 10 days; or 2 gram
azithromycin orally as a single dose as possible alternatives for treatment of
primary and latent syphilis. Close follow-up is essential.
Environmental Incivilities And Graffiti Have An Adverse Effect On Health
Independently of individual
characteristics, the place of residence may be associated with health outcomes,
including body size, and health-related behaviors, such as the level of
physical exercise. Perceived attractiveness of neighborhoods has been related
to levels of physical activity. Incivilities, such as litter and graffiti, are
associated with an adverse effect on general wellbeing.
This study hypothesized that areas
which are unpleasant, with many� incivilities and few green areas,
might discourage� people from exercising,
and thus influence the levels of obesity.
Conclusion:� Low levels of greenery,
and high levels of graffiti were associated with overweight/obesity
1. Drew upon data
collected in the �Large Analysis and Review of European Housing and Health
Status� (LARES) which was done in 2002-03 in 8 countries.
2. Housing and health
questionnaires obtained self-reported data on health, body mass index, level of
physical activity, and the surrounding environment.
3. Trained observers
inspected the immediate residential environments for the amount of graffiti,
litter, and dog mess�as well as the level of visible vegetation and greenery.
They arbitrarily divided environments� into 5 levels�from a low amount of
greenery to a high amount; and from a low amount of litter and graffiti to a
high amount.
4. Recorded degree of
physical activity in the neighborhoods.
1. Effect of liter,
graffiti, and greenery on likelihood of being overweight/obese, and being
frequently physically active:
A. Overweight/obese���������������������������� Adjusted
odds ratio
1 (low amount)������������������������������������� 1.00
5 (high amount) ����������������������������������� 0.63
Litter and graffiti
1 (low amount)������������������������������������� 1.00
5 (high amount) ����������������������������������� 1.42
B. Frequent physical activity
1 (low amount)������������������������������������� 1.00
5 (high amount)������������������������������������ 3.30
Litter and graffiti
1 low amount)�������� ����������������������������� 1.00
5 (high amount)������������������������������������ 0.53
1. For individuals living
in neighborhoods with high amounts of greenery, the likelihood of being more
active was more than 3 times as high as that of those living in neighborhoods
with low levels of greenery.
2. For respondents whose
residential environment contained high levels of incivilities, the likelihood
of being more physically active was about 50% less, and the likelihood of being
overweight/obese was about 50% higher.
3. �In efforts to promote
physical activity and reduce weight, attention should be paid to environmental
facilitators and barriers as well as individual factors.�
Environmental incivilities and
graffiti have an adverse effect on health.
BMJ September 17, 2005; 331:
611-12� Original investigation, first
author Anne Ellaway,
�Is the era of insulin injections for
patients with diabetes drawing to a close? Probably not, at
least yet. Even so, some researchers believe that inhaled insulin is now
on the fast track and could emerge as viable. ��� Phase
three trials are now in progress. �Inhaled insulin should meet regulatory
requirements of approval.�
Using the lung as an absorption
pathway has appeal for patients who dread the discomfort and inconvenience of
The lungs provide a large surface
area for drug absorption. Inhaled insulin is absorbed more rapidly than regular
insulin given subcutaneously. The time to peak concentration of most inhaled
insulins is nearly superimposable with the rapid-acting insulin analogues.
At least 6 new pulmonary insulin
drugs and delivery systems are in active development. They use either liquid or
dry powder formulations of regular insulin, with particle sizes appropriate for
pulmonary delivery. They differ in efficiency. In general, 60% to 80% of
insulin molecules do not reach the lung and alveolar tissue. Most molecules are
degraded or exhaled.
Exubera (a dry powder human insulin) uses a
mechanical aerosol delivery device. The powder is packaged in foil
blisters.� An inhaler generates a pulse
of compressed air that turns the powder into a fog-like form delivered into a
reservoir from which the insulin is then inhaled.
Controlled trials compared Exubera + oral agents with injected
insulin + oral agents. After 2 years, Exubera
provided continuing glycemic control. HbA1c decreased 1.8%, compared with a
1.5% decrease in the injected insulin group.
Is it safe?� Some studies have reported no adverse
pulmonary events; some have reported cough as the most common side effect. A
slight decline in carbon-monoxide-diffusing capacity occurred. Hypoglycemia,� headache and
dizziness have been reported. Patients with asthma absorbed lower amounts of
Longer term studies (a decade or
more) are required to evaluate pulmonary function and insulin-binding
antibodies, as well as use in children and smokers.
�We are talking about life-long
administration of insulin into the lung, so indeed, further studies will be
JAMA September 14, 2005; 294:
1195-96� �Medical News and
Perspectives� reported by Richard Trubo, JAMA staff.